Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Self Cervical Cancer Test Campaign

Self Cervical Cancer Test Campaign from 1st to 10th July 2014

CVX Pap Smear - Through “Fine Prep”

The CVX test is a liquid cytology based Pap-Smear collection from the cervix for the early detection of cervical cancer.

The diagnosis & slide preparation is done by advance fine prep method.
It is a simple non-invasive, painless and bloodless test.

What is the difference between Conventional Pap Smear & Pap smear through Fine Prep?

Pap Smear for cervical cancer detectionConventional Pap smear cancer

Advantages of FinePrep

·         More accuracy than the conventional "Pap smear"
·         Increased disease detection
·         More confident diagnoses
·         Better sample preparation
·         Cost effectiveness

We also offer HPV 16/18 pathological analysis by PCR method.

Importance of CVX Test for Urban Women

·         The burden of Cervical Cancer in India is huge and thus CVX Test becomes an important screening option for every urban women
·         Shortage of time for the working women, where she is trying to balance herself between work and family, CVX Test allows her to get the test done at her convenience and comfort zone
·         The lifestyle of the modern working women is such, with the high stress levels and adaptation to the modern lifestyles, the CVX test becomes all the more important


Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for around 70% of cervical cancers

CVX Test Kit Signs and Symptoms

·         Bleeding that occurs between regular menstrual periods
·         Bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching or a pelvic exam
·         Menstrual periods that last longer and are heavier than before
·         Bleeding after going through menopause
·         Increased vaginal discharge
·         Pelvic pain

Risk Factors

·         Weakened immue system
·         Several pregnancies
·         Giving birh at a very young age
·         Long term use of contraceptive pill
·         Family history
·         Smoking

CVX Test Camp for Early Cervical Cancer Detection

CVX - Pap Smear Test

     Dr Jagdip Shah from Parakh Hospital and Virtus Health Services India Pvt Ltd have organised a special camp for Self Cervical Cancer Testing from 1st July to 10th July 2014 at:


Khokhani Lane, 
Opp. Ghatkopar Rly. Stn., 
Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077
Phone: 022 - 67827000 / 7004 / 7005
Fax: 022 - 6782 7007
Contact: Ms Tanmaya (+91 8108301817)



45/46, Powai Plaza, Ground Floor, 
Opp. Pizza Hut, Hiranandani, Powai,
Mumbai - 400 059 
Tel: +91 22 25709006 / 25709007 
Mobile: +91 9004347070
Email ID: /
Contact: Ms Tanmaya (+91 8108301817)


Test will be FREE for First 100 registrations.

Special Rate for CVX Test for this camp: Rs 250/-

We appeal you to support us by spreading this message to your entire circle so that maximum female patients can take benefits from this camp.

"Since last 30 years of graduation in medicine, I always tried to catch uo with latest developments in medical science. At the same time genuine and sincere effortsare made to create HEALTHY INDIA by health awareness through regular Medical Camps, public seminars and lectures"

Dr Jagdip Shah, M. D., D.G.O., M.C.P.S.

Know more about Self Cervical Cancer Test here

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