Saturday 17 May 2014

FIRST TIME IN INDIA - “Femilift” A Breakthrough Procedure For Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation / Stress Urinary Incontinence

The women today, who wish to remain agile and socially active always look for solutions to retain, enhance and regain their feminine flare and enjoy an active, healthy life. 

Throughout the aging process one’s facial skin looses its vitality, elasticity is reduced due to collagen fibers degeneration leading to appearance of wrinkles. This is why so many women around the world, take cosmetic steps such as facials, innovative creams, and aesthetic procedures to ensure their face looks as young as possible. Simillarly vaginal and pelvic tissue is also affected due to ageing process.

Stress Urinary Incontinence is commonly found problem amongst women. 35% of women over the age of 60 years suffer from Urinary Incontinence. It is caused by damage to pelvic support structures as a result of childbirth. Stress incontinence is often seen in women who have had more than one pregnancy and vaginal delivery. This results in leakage of small amount of urine with activities like coughing, sneezing, lifting, etc.
Two types of Urinary Incontinence that is Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and Urge Urinary Incontinence are commonly seen. The loss of Collagen fibers' firmness leads  to structural changes in the vaginal and urethral area, this phenomenon can cause reduction in sexual fulfillment in addition to stress urinary incontinence at different severity levels.
It is likely that the true number of people affected is much higher. Many people do not tell their doctor about their incontinence. One feels embarrassed, isolated and limit their work and social life, especially exercise and leisure activities. Some people wrongly think that incontinence is a normal part of ageing or that it cannot be treated. This is unfortunate, as many cases can be successfully treated or significantly improved

How can it be cured  ?

  • Pelvic muscles  exercises
  • Medications
  • Abdominal/Laparoscopic Sling operations
  • Tension free Trans vaginal tape ( TVT and TOT ) 

 “Femilift”  Non-invasive laser treatment may correct mild to moderate degree of Stress Urinary Incontenence (SUI).

Similarly the natural process of childbirth and/or aging can result in damage to the vaginal walls and muscles; all around the vaginal, urethral and rectal tubes and make the vaginal opening widely open. This results in relaxed vaginal canal (vaginal relaxation) and vaginal prolapse (cystocoele, rectocoele and uterine decent ).

 Women who experience these problems often report:
  • Recurrent vaginal infections, itching and discomfort due to friction with under garments and wetness.
  • Feeling too loose, feeling stretched out, not being able to feel their partner inside them
  • Not having enough friction or sensation during sexual activity.
  • Having a difficult time achieving orgasm during intercourse (which may or may not be related to vaginal relaxation)
These women want a solution to rejuvenate and tighten the vagina and achieve improved sexual function. Even women with no children can experience these problems because of aging, hormonal issues, history of smoking, and weight gain or weight loss. 

“Femilift”  is the only Non-invasive Laser treatment available to correct this mild to moderate degree  of laxity. 


Dr Shah has 3 decades of rich experience in gynaecology and a trained expert in cosmeto gynecology in US. He has introduced Non-invasive Laser for Vaginal Tightening & Reduction of Stress Urinary Incontinence. In last 6 months he has done more than 60 cases of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation / Laser treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence and the patients have got excellent result in various cases, they all are happy with the doctor’s service. The treatment outcome is complete vaginal remodeling and tightening of the vaginal walls. This 30 minutes procedure is painless, bloodless and stitchless. This machine is also useful for other cosmeto-gynaecological procedures like labioplasty,  hymenoplasty, vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty, prrineorrhaphy and removal of veneral warts.

“Femilift” is manufactured by Alma Lasers,. The company is a global leader in aesthetic devices. It has produced many innovative high standard laser, radiofrequency and light base devices. “Femilift”  is the latest one. It is approved by US FDA. This is fractionated 30 watt CO2 laser energy split into micro pixels delivered with accuracy, safety at right wavelength and perfect pulse frequency to produce precise effect. It gives amazing results for vaginal remodeling, surprisingly for long duration.


The Laser energizes the vaginal layers and induces Collagen and Elastine contraction and regeneration of these proteins in the long run. These molecular signals activate the entire wound healing process of the body's local immune system. The increase in vascularity of vagina leads to increased moisturisation hence reducing the dryness related problems.

“FemiLift” can help address the problem without resorting to various corrective surgeries which are done routinely by gynecologists.  

To summarize: “FemiLift” is a unique technology and device which can give following advantages:
  • Proven technology for Safe, accurate and effective results
  • Pain free  Vaginal remodeling and stress urinary incontinence
  • Lunch break procedure at the Gynecology clinic (15 - 30 min)
  • Long lasting results
  • No need for anesthetics
  • Improves vaginal dryness

Contact us at :

45/46, Powai Plaza, Ground Floor,
Opp. Pizza Hut, Hiranandani, Powai,
Mumbai - 400 059
Tel: +91 22 25709006 / 25709007
Mobile: +91 9004347070
Email ID: /