Thursday 15 May 2014

The 5 Key’s To Gorgeous Skin?

The 5 Key’s To Gorgeous Skin?

Yes, some people win the hereditary lottery when it comes to good skin. "not all skin is created equal "you can’t underestimate the value of genetics."

But genes are just the starting point. Beautiful skin is also about good skin care habits practiced day in and day out.

Here are the secrets to stunning skin.

No. 1 and No. 2: Smoking No, Sunscreen Yes

Imagine two people starting out with the same exact dna. One smoked and sunbathed, the other avoided both. Would that make a difference in the appearance of their skin?


Those who smoked and spent lots of time outdoors without wearing sunscreen looked years older than the brother or sister who shunned cigarettes and tanning. They had more fine lines, deeper and more plentiful wrinkles, and skin that was more mottled.

"many of the things that my patients complain about -- dull, rough skin and uneven skin tone -- are related to chronic sun exposure studies have shown that smoking is associated with premature wrinkling.

  • Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both uva and uvb rays with an spf of 30 or higher, even on cloudy days.
  • Reapply your sunscreen every two to three hours you’re outdoors.
  • Don't smoke -- for the sake of your overall health as well as your appearance.

No. 3: Keep Skincare Simple

Overuse of products is the biggest mistake people make in their skincare regimens,

Using a lot of different ingredients can be irritating, and some ingredients cancel out each other's benefits.

For example, the acid in salicylic or glycolic acid breaks down ingredients like retinol, hydroquinone, or vitamin c.

The products needed for beautiful skin treatment in mumbai are "a simple cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, and a retinoid or retinol."

The simpler your skincare regimen, the more likely you are to stick with it.

No. 4: Give Products Time To Work

Changing your products every couple of weeks can also be counterproductive.

Give them a chance, finish the entire tube or bottle of a skincare potion before you decide how well it works.

You might, though, want to adjust your beauty regimen seasonally, swapping, say, the oil-free moisturizer you use in the summer for one that’s more emollient during the winter when frigid temperatures and indoor heating can rob your skin of moisture.

The exception: if your skin reacts with swelling, redness, or burning to a new product you’ve tried, stop using it immediately.

If not, finish the entire tube or bottle of a skincare potion before you give up on it.

No. 5: A Balanced Life Leads To Your Best Skin

  • Start day with a mango, blueberry, and spinach smoothie, shuns processed foods and buy organic fruits and vegetables
  • Practices a vigorous form of yoga daily.
  • Get seven or more hours of sleep a night.
No. 5: A Balanced Life Leads To Your Best Skin Continued...

All these markers of a healthy lifestyle undoubtedly help

Regular sleep optimizes the natural secretion of human growth hormone, which promotes cell turnover and collagen production. And exercise increases circulation and the flow of nutrients to the skin.

Activities like yoga and meditation help keep stress in check, which in turn reduces the release of stress hormones that worsen conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea.

Meditating regularly may even make treatment more effective. In one study, people with psoriasis, a condition that causes itchy, scaly skin, listened to meditation tapes while they got ultraviolet light treatments. The results: they healed four times as fast as those who didn't meditate.

The bottom line: the key to gorgeous skin turns out to be a mix of science, common sense, overall good health habits, and a simple stick-to-it skincare regimen.

Please feel free to Ask our Doctor for tips

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Opp. Pizza Hut, Hiranandani, Powai,
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